Behavioral Clinic for children and young adults

Office 512-930-0191

FAX 512-863-3784

3613 Williams Dr, Ste 801

Georgetown, TX 78628

Medication management/controlled prescription refills require chart review, patient evaluation, possible phone calls to the parent/school, and a review of the treatment plan for every refill. Controlled Prescription Policy

We e-prescibe direct to your pharmacy

Standard: $39.85......... 5 businesss days with e-prescibing (if no e-prescibing pharmacy is selected, this will be mailed via USPS within 5 business days).
Expedited: $56.17....... 1 business day with e-prescribing (if no e-prescibing pharmacy is selected, this will be mailed via USPS within 1 business day).

A Superbill will be emailed to the email address you provide in the prescription resquest form.

Dr. Hossalla may not be able to refill your prescription request without a visit, in which case your payment will be refunded via the website in the form in which you made the purchase, such as your Visa, MasterCard, etc.

Dr. Hossalla cannot guarantee time frames as many factors are beyond her control. If you have requested a telephone call from Dr. Hossalla, she often makes these in the early morning or evening. Have your telephone nearby and accessible.

Terms and Conditions

Controlled subsance refills

Fulfillment delays of Prescriptions

Ordinarily, we are able to prescribe a prescription refill as requested. However, because we often need to visit with a parent or other person, and this other person is not always available, delays can happen. In such a case, we will get your prescription request out as soon as possible. There will be no refund if you paid for expedited or immediate service. If you request a call from Dr. Hossalla, please make certain you are available to answer the telephone.

Refunds: Unfulfilled Prescriptions

Occasionally after reviewing a file, Dr. Hossalla will decide a visit is necessary before prescribing. In such a case, you will receive a refund. This is usually an online refund in the same manner in which you made the prescription request.